LA Pipes Barrel Dab Rig
This cool and effective Barrel Dab Rig by LA Pipes is constructed from clear borosilicate glass with colored accents throughout. The compact rig measures 14 cm / 5.5 inches in height and is equipped with a fixed slitted diffuser downstem that provides important filtration and cooling to your hits.
The bent neck is topped with a thick, rimmed mouthpiece, and the piece comes with a 14.5mm female joint and a 14.5mm male quartz banger. The base of the neck is decorated with a glass Maria (pushed glass bulge), and a glass marble can be seen on the side of the body of the bubbler for extra grip.
The sturdy dab rig works by pulling the vapor through the submerged slits in the diffuser downstem for important filtration and cooling. The bubbly vapor breaks on the water surface before traveling up and out of the mouthpiece. This produces a smoother, cooler, cleaner tasting dab hit that’s full of flavor.
This reliable little rig is of great daily use, and it makes a great, affordable gift. Matching colored glass accents can be seen on the rimmed mouthpiece and on the marble. The rig is available to order with Sapphire or Jade-colored glass accents. The rig is easy to use a nd will last a lifetime if maintained well. Get yours today while stocks last!