Evolution Squall Glass Hybrid Double Perc Dab Rig


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Evolution Squall Glass Hybrid Double Perc Dab Rig

Brace yourself, because the Evolution Squall is going to blow your away with its extraordinary percolation power and smooth smoking sensation. Its sophisticated exterior is packed with amazing features, such as: a reinforced downstem, a slitted inline percolator, a HoneyComb disc percolator, opaque white mouthpiece and stable round foot. All designed to seamlessly work together to provide you with nothing less than perfection.

As you inhale, the smoke travels from the reinforced downstem into the inline percolator. The numerous slits in the inline percolator divide the smoke and spread it out into the water, enlarging surface area, allowing the smoke to cool down much more rapidly. But it doesn’t stop there, the HoneyComb disc percolator creates an unbelievable amount of bubbles, which is not only mesmerizing to watch, but cools down the smoke significantly, for a light and airy hit.

The Evolution Squall Glass Hybrid Double Perc Dab Rig features a reinforced fixed downstem with a 14.5mm male joint and comes delivered with a complete set of bowl attachments with female joints, which not only makes it compatible with concentrates, but also with essential oil and herbs. Included with your purchase are: a vapor dome with quartz nail, a quartz banger and a herb bowl with handle for easy lifting.

Colored accents on the mouthpiece, round foot, the joint, inline percolator and on the vapor dome give this bong and even more striking appearance. An Evolution decal can be found on the back of the hybrid dab rig, so you know you got the real deal. It is available with the colored accents in apple green, black, light blue, pink, purple and red, so there is bound to be a color to suit your personal preference.

So if you like to switch between concentrates and herbs every now and then and you are looking for a quality piece of glass to smoke them from, look no further, you have found your match. Select your favorite color in the drop down menu and place your order now.

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Evolution Squall Glass Hybrid Double Perc Dab Rig
Evolution Squall Glass Hybrid Double Perc Dab Rig