Bio Hazard Beaker Base Ice Bong with 8-Arm Tree Percolator | 18 Inch
This towering, all American beaker base ice bong by Bio Hazard Glass is constructed from 5mm thick, heat-resistant, borosilicate glass and comes equipped with an inside-cut 18.8mm > 14.5mm slitted diffuser downstem that provides powerful filtration and diffusion. A 8-arm tree percolator, located just below the ice notches, provides you with a perfectly smooth hit that is packed with all the wonderful flavors that your herbs have to offer.
The solid beaker bace ice bong measures an impressive 46 cm / 18 inches in height and has a stable beaker base. The long, straight tube offers enough space above the ice notches for you to add a fair amount of ice cubes to cool and soften your hits for a more enjoyable smoking experience.
This sturdy beaker base ice bong has an 18.8mm ground joint that holds the inside-cut slitted diffuser downstem. It comes delivered complete with a male 14.5mm glass herb bowl that fits seamlessly into the downstems joint. The bong’s straight tube is decorated with Bio Hazard Glass decal running down its tube just below the extra thick, rimmed mouthpiece. On the back of the base you will find a beautiful worked glass marble with a floral design that gives this bong a customized touch.
This solid beaker base ice bong by Bio Hazard Glass works hard to deliver rich, filtered hits and is easy to use, clean, and maintain, which makes it perfect for everyday use. If looked after correctly, this ice bong will last for years and will be the perfect addition to any glass collection. This bong is available with the decal in the following colors: Blue, Green, Black, Red, and White. This elegant clear glass ice bong is available to order today, while stocks lasts, at the number one online head shop